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Chris Goeke Memorial Tournament


  • Saturday May 20, Sunday May 21
  • Players should be at Aronson park in Lakeville by no later than 7:15am both days
  • Saturday schedule (opponents TBD): 8:00am, 9:45am, 11:30am.
  • Our last game on Saturday should end by 12:50pm, after which players are encouraged to watch our varsity teams or can feel free to head home.
  • Sunday schedule (opponents TBD): Same times as Saturday.

Aronson Park
8250 202nd St W
Lakeville, MN 55044

Each player must bring a donation of food to practice this week. Like our tournament, Goeke features a Food Drive. Players should bring their donation of a few non-perishable items to practices/games this week.


  • There is no formal transportation or carpool to the tournament.
  • I will start an email thread with the subject line "Goeke Tournament: Rides" for players that need a ride or players/parents that are willing to drive to post in.

What to bring/expect:

  • Your food donation to practice this week!
  • Cleats, jerseys or reversible, water bottle, personal medicine, sunscreen, snacks (they will have concessions but there is no guarantee we will have time to visit it), extra socks, rain gear (including garbage bags!).
  • Expect to be pretty dang tired on Saturday/Sunday afternoons. With three games each day and pretty equal playing time, it will be a grind! But, this is is a great opportunity for us to get better as a group and prep for State.