Focus: Force, Cutting, Intro to Ho-Stack
Warmup Jog: 5min Stretch/Actives: 10min
FOTD: Travels Seattle: 10min Force: Home v. Away Force Drill: 10min , 4 times through, keep solid marking technique
Cutting Intro: Cut to create separation, 3 big types (smart, shoulder, commitment), technique (changing speeds, chop-chop-accelerate, fakes)
Cutter & Defender Drill: 4 reps (1 rep = O and D) backhand, 4 reps forehand Intro to Ho-Stack: 10min, handlers v. cutters, spacing, the cuts, progression
Walk Thru Ho-Stack: 10min
Run Thru Ho-Stack: 5min
Ho-Stack with D: 5min
5-Pull: Offense must run ho-stack, on a turn the D gets a chance to work it up field
Progressions: 10 I/O Backhand, 10 O/I Backhand, 10 I/O Forehand, 10 O/I Forehand