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  • Bossard Park White Bear Lake, MN (map)

Focus: Vert-Stack, Iso

Warmup Jog: 10min
Stretch/Actives: 10min
Seattle: 10min
Vert Stack Near Endzone: 10min, when to make the switch, Stack Master, open v. break and active v. inactive, where to clear, angles
Run-Thru Vert: 10min, start by having 5 in the stack and following the disc as it’s swung to angle the stack, layer in cutting, layer in D.
The Iso: 5min, practice setting various players as the Iso
5-Pull-esque Drill: 20min, start disc near end zone and have players run vert or Iso
Game Day Discussion

Earlier Event: March 31
Later Event: April 1
Team Dinner