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Dome Nite

  • Vadnais Heights Sports Center (map)

Returning players, guys and girls, new players, people that have never thrown a disc before are all invited to join us at the Vadnais Heights Sports Center for Dome Nite. Come escape the cold and meet everyone, throw a disc, and play some Ultimate. We have fields 2 and 3 reserved from 8:00pm until 10:00pm, players should arrive at 7:45pm. Can't make it right at 7:45pm? No worries, join us whenever you can.

This Dome Nite rental is made possible by the hard work our players and parents put in during our fundraising efforts last season. If you see them: say thanks!

Please bring running shoes, cleats if you have them, a white shirt and a black (or orange) shirt/jersey, clothes you can run in, a disc (if you have one) and water.

Earlier Event: February 24
Parents Meeting
Later Event: March 2
Dome Tryout I