In an attempt to limit player’s contact with others we will not be doing our fundraiser this year.
Each year we partner with Impact Fundraising to sell coupon cards to help cover various program expenses such as indoor dome time, uniforms, stipends for coaches, league and tournament fees as well as other program essentials.
Packet Checkout: Each player can check out a packet of 20 cards during the first week of practices. Should a player need more cards before the deadline, they can check them out from a Coach at practice.
Selling Coupon Cards:
10-Card Minimum: Each player is responsible for selling at least 10 coupon cards. Players will be charged $10 for every card beneath the minimum. For example, if a player only sold 8 cards they would still owe the club $20 (paid by cash or check and kept separate from the funds raised from card sales).
Selling 10+ Cards: All players will be eligible for Cash Grabs at the end of the fundraiser. The more you sell, the more cash grabs you get. The top sellers from each team will get free Matoska Classic apparel, disc and a WBL Ultimate hat. Additionally, anyone who sells 30 cards will get an iPad!
Cards Sell for $20: We can accept cash or checks made out to “White Bear Lake High School”.
Donations: If someone isn’t interested in a card, but would like to donate — that’s great! We can accept cash or checks made out to White Bear Lake High School. Players should keep these funds separate from what they raise from card sales.
Selling Tips: Get a group and go door-to-door in a couple neighborhoods. Wear something WBL Ultimate related or bring a disc along. Make sure folks know why you’re selling (see the top of the this page). Point out the fact that some of the coupons are unlimited use. Never enter a strangers home or approach a home that makes you feel unsafe.
Deadline & Pizza Party: All packets (with any unsold cards) and funds raised (card sales and donations separated) must be turned in to a coach. Check our calendar on the homepage for the deadline. We will have a pizza party and hand out prizes for top sellers.
Why Fundraise?
Pays for league and tournament fees, Matoska Classic equipment, jerseys and other program essentials, keeping program costs low, supporting the coaching staff, requirement for lettering and helps cover league and tournament fees.
$100 Buyout Option
Players not interested in fundraising have the opportunity to pay the club $100 (cash or check made out to White Bear Lake High School) and fulfill their fundraising requirement.
Questions/Contact: Email whitebearlakeultimate@gmail.com