All interested players are required to attend one of the tryout sessions. Players will be evaluated on frisbee fundamentals such as throwing and catch, general athleticism, attitude and commitment. If you (or your player) is absolutely unable to attend one of the two sessions, please contact one of the coaches.
Girls have the opportunity to tryout for either Open A, B or the Girls A Team. Boys will be placed on either the Open A or B team. Everyone is guaranteed a spot on one of the teams - our goal is to grow the sport, not turn people away!
Teams will be posted late Tuesday night. It's important that players keep any eye on their emails as they will receive an email from USA Ultimate asking them to confirm their spot on one of our teams. This is part of our registration process for the league.
Session I - March 16
5:00–7:00pm, Sunrise Middle School Gym
Session II - March 17
5:00–7:00pm, Sunrise Middle School Gym
What to bring:
-Running shoes and cleats (there's a chance we may do a scrimmage outside at Bossard Park down the street)
-Active clothing and something to be active in outdoors
-White shirt/jersey and a colored shirt/jersey
-Any outstanding registration materials